Mind and Body

Our mind and body are so connected that our emotions have a physical affect on our bodies. As Hippocrates stated, “good health depends on a balance of mind, body and the environment.” What we do with our physical bodies can impact our mind-body connection. This means every thing from what we eat/drink to how much we exercise, and even how we think. This is the mind-body connection and it’s interrelationship.

Dr. James Gordon stated that “the brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another.”

In this blog, there are so many things we will talk about. I may link or say in a blog post, to go to another blog post because of a technique that is being talked about that can be used to help with the mind-body connection.

Just remember, “that no matter what you do through out your day,” your mind and body are always synchronised.

Dr. James Gordon( Founder of the center for mind-body medicine)The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. (2016, March 11). Retrieved from https://cmbm.org

Hippocrates Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/hippocrates

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